What is a Microbrand Watch?

What is a Microbrand Watch?

Updated July 2022

Microbrand watches are wristwatches produced by independent watch companies with a production output of roughly 300–2000 watches per year. The first microbrands debuted in the early 2000s, and with the advent of the Internet age, brands were able to distribute watches directly to consumers through their online shops, without taking on the overhead usually associated with luxury goods. Becoming a Microbrand has allowed us to cut costs in areas such as retail locations, marketing budgets, and other associated costs involved with running brick and mortar retail shops—which for you as the consumer, means you can get extremely high-quality and precision-engineered time-pieces at a much more affordable cost.

In the past, watchmakers had to design a watch, produce it, and then finally market it to the masses. High-end watches were generally only found in Jewelry stores, and by the time the consumer purchased them, included in the price was the cost of overhead, marketing, and the watchmaker's profits. With microbrand watches, things are done quite differently.

A microbrand watch company is typically privately-owned, and the same manufacturers can often make their microbrand watches as traditional jewelry-store brands, or at least the components that are used to create the watch can be the same. The key difference that should matter to collectors, watch enthusiasts, and those looking for a high-quality watch is that if you choose a good microbrand watch, like a watch from Serket Watch Company, you’ll be getting a unique and elegant timepiece.

Our watches are created in limited batches and are often one-of-a-kind pieces that you won’t find anywhere else on the market. This low production aspect of our business model allows us to pour more time and energy into the design aspect, which the big watch manufacturers can’t say for their timepieces.

Watch Quality vs. Status Symbol

Historically, high-end watches have long been a status symbol representing luxury, success, and class. As a result, many of the industry’s best-known watchmakers have achieved popularity simply because they are name brands. For the buyer that has a traditional interpretation of what makes a watch “good” - and who wants a watch for the purpose of elevating their status - a name-brand watch may be the right fit.

But if your priorities are focused on quality, exclusivity, and unmatched craftsmanship, microbrands are a far better match. There are microbrands that are absolutely on par with many of the most popular status symbol watches, and even some that can far exceed that standard of value and quality. Microbrand watches are designed for the individual with discerning taste and a signature sense of style, someone who appreciates originality and artistry above all.

What to Look Out for When Purchasing from a Watch Microbrand

Of course, not all microbrands are created equally. Here are a few things to look for before purchasing a microbrand watch:

  • Where is the watch movement from?
  • Where was the watch assembled?
  • What is the strap attachment like?
  • Does the microbrand have an existing base of satisfied customers?
  • Is the brand transparent about their quality standards?

Microbrands are Changing How People Buy Premium Watches

While there are certainly some luxury watch brands creating quality timepieces for the mass market, there is simply no comparison to the experience of owning an exclusive design from a microbrand.

Watch microbrands are leading a major shift in the industry, introducing an entirely new category of options for dedicated collectors and casual enthusiasts alike. There are many characteristics that make a well-crafted microbrand watch particularly unique, including:

  • Exclusive, often limited-edition designs are released in very small batches, which means that wearers can enjoy having a wonderfully unique piece.
  • Because these watches are not mass-produced, the attention to detail and quality tends to be unparalleled.
  • No shortcuts have been taken to create the final product, because limited edition production allows for a far more intensive quality control process.
  • Purchasing from a watch microbrand can be like shopping at a small, local business - the customer service is impressively excellent, because every person involved at the company is truly invested in the brand.

If you’re ready to expect more from your investment in a luxury watch - and you should be - it may be time to look towards a microbrand like Serket Watch Company.


The advent of Microbrand Online Retailing has allowed us here at Serket Watch Company to produce timepieces that use high-quality materials and precision engineering that are available for the everyday consumer. Whether you need to catch the train for your daily commute, or you’re heading out to dinner with a friend or catching late-night drinks with a client, our watches will keep you on time and in style.

Many brands that started (or were revived) during this period are now called "legacy microbrands" within the watch enthusiast community. If you’re curious about learning more about our products or want to see what truly sets us apart, check out our Online Shop and join the exclusive Microbrand Watch club.

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